A quick(ish) test ride.
The trusty old '99 R6 has been put out to pasture - ok, it's been sold. Dave decided an upgrade was imminent so, after much procrastinating, a new model was decided on. A 2010, low miles, gleaming R6. 'Tis a thing of beauty so it is, and I got to thrash it on a test ride!
Happy days, although the suspension was hard, and this bike is quite tall, it performed superbly on the mountain. The tyres were practically new, and this caused a few squirms in the first few bends, but then it just came together. In fact, the chicken strips were gone by the time we got back down to the bottom. Good darts.
The rear preload was way too much, for me at least, and I expected to get thrown out of the seat on a few of the rough sections, but the little Yamaha took it in its stride. This was surprising because the bike barely moved when I sat on it. A couple of clicks back on the old-fashioned, but simple, adjuster and the rear end is more compliant. This bike rocks!
I want another go!
Beautiful bike, beautiful scenery, beautiful day... biking.
The bike exudes quality, but I think he might be changing that can for a GYTR version.
The R & G tail tidy has neatened up the rear of the bike, a huge improvement over the stock plate holder! Takes about an hour for a beer-drinking monkey to fit and can be found on eBay for around one hundred of the countries finest dollars. Top work Davy!
Words we've been familiar with forever! Don't fix what ain't broke...